Search results for "culture"

The best places to work in Australia in 2020

The best places to work in Australia in 2020

This year’s report is especially interesting, given the disruption to all industries due to COVID-19.
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5 ways to make study more enjoyable

5 ways to make study more enjoyable

Studying has a bit of a reputation as being boring by nature. But who says making it fun is a crime?  
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Benefits of studying in regional Australia

Benefits of studying in regional Australia

Attending a regional university gives you the chance to study, work and immerse yourself in the local community. You’ll also create networks and opportunities for employment!
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Looking after your wellbeing as a student

Looking after your wellbeing as a student

Whether you've just arrived or are a couple of years into your course, there are certain areas of your life to keep in check to ensure your overall wellbeing is at its best
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Where are the best places to work in Australia?

Where are the best places to work in Australia?

The 2019 '50 Best Places to Work' report is divided into three different categories, which are based on number of employees
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Survival tips for first year international students

Survival tips for first year international students

Here are some survival tips for first-year international students.

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Five Reasons to study hospitality in Australia

Five Reasons to study hospitality in Australia

Hospitality is globally thriving. To join this industry, learning the key skills has become easier with institutions and

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Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide listed in the top 10 most liveable cities

Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide listed in the top 10 most liveable cities

The results are in on the 2019 Global Liveability report, and Australian cities have maintained their status with Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide ranking second, third and tenth respectively.

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Top Victorian schools for international students

Top Victorian schools for international students

 Here are some examples of top schools that accept international students in Victoria.

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Courses that can lead to permanent residency in Australia

Courses that can lead to permanent residency in Australia

From accounting and teaching to automotive and engineering, the range of courses is very broad.

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Explaining Anzac Day

Explaining Anzac Day

Anzac Day holds a special place in the heart of Australians and New Zealanders.

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There’s a place for you in Melbourne: Harriyadi's Story

There’s a place for you in Melbourne: Harriyadi's Story

Read about Harriyadi's experience as a student in Melbourne. 

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Five classic Australian films you need to watch

Five classic Australian films you need to watch

There are some serious Aussie classics on this list.

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The facts and figures of international students in Australia

The facts and figures of international students in Australia

Everything you need to know about the international student market from 2018.

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There’s a place for you in Melbourne: Jirayut’s story

There’s a place for you in Melbourne: Jirayut’s story

Read about Jirayut's experience as a student in Melbourne. 

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