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Where to study in Australia?

Study in Northern Territory (NT)

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Study in Western Australia (WA)

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Study in Victoria (VIC)

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Study in New South Wales (NSW)

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Online/distance education

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Study in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

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Study in Tasmania (TAS)

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Study in Adelaide (South Australia)

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Study in Queensland (QLD)

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Latest news

Building a strong professional network in Australia

Building a strong professional network in Australia

Networking is a crucial skill for international students looking to succeed in the Australian job market.A strong professional network can open doors to new opportunities, provide valuable insights, and help you build a successful career. In this article, we'll explore strategies for building a strong professional network in Australia, including attending industry events, leveraging online platforms, and cultivating relationships with professionals in your field.
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What is Australian academic culture like?

What is Australian academic culture like?

Australia boasts a distinctive approach to learning, which differs in several key aspects from other educational systems. This article will explore these differences and provide practical tips for international students to thrive in an Australian academic environment.
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Where to live: a guide to accommodation for international students in Australia

Where to live: a guide to accommodation for international students in Australia

There are many different options available to international students in Australia, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. This article will explore some of the most common choices, including on-campus residences, off-campus apartments, shared houses, and homestays.
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