Search results for "Business"

Business and management courses in Australia

Business and management courses in Australia

If you want to know how businesses operate, learn about management or develop your skills in a specialised area such as finance, you may be interested in pursuing studies in business and management.

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Accounting jobs in Australia

Accounting jobs in Australia

Accountants and other financial staff play an essential role in businesses and organisations of all types.
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Engineering and technology courses in Australia

Engineering and technology courses in Australia

The engineering and technology field is one of the biggest in Australia. It is also one of the most popular fields among international students due to the strength of Australia
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Undergraduate study in computing and information technology

Undergraduate study in computing and information technology

The most common degrees in the field include bachelor degrees in information technology, information systems or computing.
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Undergraduate study in accounting

Undergraduate study in accounting

Accounting is a large field at undergraduate level.
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Postgraduate study in computing and information technology

Postgraduate study in computing and information technology

Postgraduate computing and IT student numbers are increasing, with many professionals returning to study to update their skills and knowledge or qualify for more senior positions.
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Undergraduate study in hospitality, tourism and personal services

Undergraduate study in hospitality, tourism and personal services

The growth of the hospitality and tourism industries has led to the emergence of a wide variety of courses at undergraduate level.
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Undergraduate study in creative arts

Undergraduate study in creative arts

Common creative arts disciplines include acting, dance, music, graphic design, fashion design, film and television, multimedia, screen production and visual arts.
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Postgraduate study in health services and rehabilitation

Postgraduate study in health services and rehabilitation

There is a wide range of postgraduate coursework degrees available in the health services field, including graduate certificates, graduate diplomas, masters degrees by coursework and professional doctorates.
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