Diploma of Business (Wollongong)

UOW College

Type of institution: Higher Education Institutions
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 02723D

This program gives students who did not make direct entry into a UOW business degree the opportunity to complete their first year of at UOW College. Studied over 2 or 3 sessions, the subjects in the Diploma of Business replicate those taken in the first year of the Bachelor of Business/Commerce degree, as well as generally preparing the student for university level study.


8 subjects (2 Sessions or 3 Sessions).


  • Accounting fundamentals in society
  • Introduction to management
  • Marketing principles
  • Economic essentials for business statistics for business
  • Accounting in organisations
  • Introductory principles of finance
  • Economics and society

Standard entry requirements

  • A result of 60-65% in the Year 12 HSC or equivalent
  • Other qualifications may be considered on a case-by-case basis


University of Wollongong

Study pathways

Guaranteed Pathway into the 2nd year of the Bachelor of Business or Bachelor of Commerce (all UOW Campuses except UOW Sydney CBD) subject to meeting UOW Entry Requirements.

Study information

CampusFeesMid year intakeAttendance
Wollongong International: $24,840 No

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