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Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Laws
Edith Cowan University (ECU)
Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00279B
This double degree combines a full engineering degree with a full law degree program that satisfies the academic requirements for the admission of law graduates as legal practitioners in Western Australia. The result of this challenging educational initiative is an internationally recognised double degree that will create opportunities in the global marketplace. It provides students with lifelong transferable skills, equipping them for employment in a wide range of professions, and for further study in a variety of disciplines.
See the full course structure at
- Engineering Majors: Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Systems
- Electrical Power
- Electronics and Communications
- Instrumentation Control and Automation
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Petroleum Engineering
Standard entry requirements
See entry requirements at
Law component - Accredited by Legal Practice Board of Western Australia (LPBWA); Engineering component - recognised by Engineers Australia when studied with a Professionally Accredited major. Please check the accreditation status for each individual major.