Search results for "working in Australia"
Tips for finding part-time work in Australia
Working part time in Australia offers a number of benefits, including the opportunity to gain new skills and experience, make new friends or simply earn some extra spending money.
Five advantages of Australian work experience
Five advantages of Australian work experience Did you know that international students can work part time during their Australian study experience? We explore five advantages of taking on work experience during your course.
Read moreYour employment rights in Australia
If you choose to work during your time in Australia, know that you are entitled to certain rights.
Read moreUseful contacts for international students in Australia
As an international student, it's not uncommon to feel a little isolated on campus. Luckily, there are a number of people you can talk to and services you can visit if you need some help or advice.
Read moreFive international student myths
If you are worried about moving to Australia to study, let us ease some of your worries with our five international student myths.
Read moreBudgeting tips for international students
If you're worried about how you'll maintain your bank balance during your studies, read on as we share our budgeting tips.
Read moreSaving up for your Australian study experience
If you're currently planning your Australian study experience, we have some tips that will help you save money for your time abroad.
Read moreWork experience tips for international students
If the thought of organising a work pacement seems daunting, our five-step checklist is here to help.
Read moreHow to get an internship in Australia
Internships provide an opportunity to gain experience in your field of interest, expand your knowledge and skills beyond what you learn in class, start networking with potential employers and explore the career you want to pursue after graduation.
Read moreThe advantages of studying engineering in Australia
If you are thinking about studying engineering, Australia has a lot to offer. Read on to find out the benefits that engineering students enjoy in Australia.
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