Search results for "english"

How to get an internship in Australia

How to get an internship in Australia

Internships provide an opportunity to gain experience in your field of interest, expand your knowledge and skills beyond what you learn in class, start networking with potential employers and explore the career you want to pursue after graduation.
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How to choose an Australian education provider

How to choose an Australian education provider

If you know how to tell institutions apart, it will be much easier to find the one that suits you best. Here we list some important factors that you should consider when choosing an institution.
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Options for international students after graduation

Options for international students after graduation

With the year quickly coming to an end, students who are about to graduate have some important decisions to make. Do you know what you are planning to do next year? Read on for some ideas.
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Course application tips

Course application tips

While course application is an exciting time, it's important to get organised and fully understand each step you will need to take before you start applying.
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Can international students change their course in Australia?

Can international students change their course in Australia?

It's likely that you did a lot of research before choosing to come to Australia, but what happens if you want to change your course or institution?
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Budgeting tips for international students

Budgeting tips for international students

If you're worried about how you'll maintain your bank balance during your studies, read on as we share our budgeting tips.
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Australian higher education acronyms explained

Australian higher education acronyms explained

If you are looking at course descriptions and handbooks you will come across a lot of special terms. To assist you in your search for the perfect course in Australia, Studies in Australia has mapped out the main terms that you will need to know.
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Five tips for getting into postgraduate courses in Australia

Five tips for getting into postgraduate courses in Australia

Students from around the world choose to complete their studies in Australia, with postgraduate studies being one of the most popular. Here are our top five tips for getting into postgraduate study in Australia
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Making the most of your studies in Australia

Making the most of your studies in Australia

When you are studying overseas it can be hard adjusting not only to a new university and study routine, but also to a new culture, city and lifestyle.
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International scholarship tips for your studies in Australia

International scholarship tips for your studies in Australia

While the majority of international students in Australia pay full fees for their studies, there are a number of scholarships available to assist students with the cost of their education.
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Study abroad and student exchange in Australia

Study abroad and student exchange in Australia

If you are thinking about studying in Australia, you may consider applying for a study abroad or student exchange program.
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How to get a scholarship in Australia

How to get a scholarship in Australia

Many international students are interested in gaining a scholarship to help pay for their study in Australia. In this article we provide you with some scholarship tips and advice.
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The advantages of continuing your studies in Australia

The advantages of continuing your studies in Australia

If you are coming to the end of your studies in Australia, it's likely that you are wondering about your options after graduation.
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The benefits of student exchange while living in Australia

The benefits of student exchange while living in Australia

If you have already made the move to Australia to study, it might seem strange to go to another country for one or two semesters on a student exchange program. However, as an international fee student, the option is readily available to you.
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