Search results for "SA"

The benefits of an Australian Professional Year Program

The benefits of an Australian Professional Year Program

Professional Year Programs provide international students who have graduated with the skills, knowledge and industry experience needed in the Australian workforce. Read on to discover the programs available and their benefits.
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Five tips to help you prepare for the new academic year

Five tips to help you prepare for the new academic year

With Australian universities commencing classes in around a month, now is the perfect time to get a head start on the new semester.
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Working while studying in Australia

Working while studying in Australia

As an international student in Australia, it can sometimes be difficult to maintain basic living costs unless you also have a part-time job. Living in Australia can be expensive when you take into account costs such as accommodation, meals..
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How to use your institution's support services

How to use your institution's support services

Studying overseas is a great experience, but it can be difficult to adjust to a new environment and living away from your family and friends. Luckily, most institutions offer a variety of support services.
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Five international student myths

Five international student myths

If you are worried about moving to Australia to study, let us ease some of your worries with our five international student myths.
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How to find part-time work in Australia

How to find part-time work in Australia

One of the many advantages of studying in Australia is that international students are able to work part time while completing their studies to support themselves financially.

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Useful contacts for international students in Australia

Useful contacts for international students in Australia

As an international student, it's not uncommon to feel a little isolated on campus. Luckily, there are a number of people you can talk to and services you can visit if you need some help or advice.
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Preparing for your studies in Australia

Preparing for your studies in Australia

You've booked your flights, enrolled in your course and applied for a student visa, so what's next?
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Important changes to student visa requirements

Important changes to student visa requirements

If you're thinking of applying for study in Australia, you need to be aware of some of the changes introduced by the Australian Government in 2012 that affect student visas and skilled migration.
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Extracurricular activities for international students

Extracurricular activities for international students

There are many extracurricular acitivites available to international students, from joining students clubs and meeting new friends to organising holiday trips around the country.
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Safety tips for studying in Australia

Safety tips for studying in Australia

While studying overseas is an exciting new experience, safety is a still major concern for many students leaving their home country. Here we list some very important safety tips to help you avoid any dangerous situations.
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Your guide to enrolment

Your guide to enrolment

If you're yet to enrol in your course, read on as we answer some common questions about the enrolment process.
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A practical guide to the university research process

A practical guide to the university research process

If you're thinking about studying in Australia you'll know that there are a lot of decisions that need to be made before you leave your home country. Here we answer some common questions you may have.
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How to choose a course to study in Australia

How to choose a course to study in Australia

So you know you want to study in Australia, but you're not sure which course is right for you. Don't worry, our tips will give you a few ideas about how to choose the right course if you're finding it hard to make your choice.
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ESOS changes and what they mean for you

ESOS changes and what they mean for you

In April, the Education Services for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment Act 2011 was enacted, resulting in some significant changes to the original ESOS legislation.
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