Bachelor of Psychological Science

University of Wollongong

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00102E

Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, and how they influence behaviour. Psychological research seeks to identify those mechanisms that explain behaviour in various contexts. Psychologists use research findings to help us understand who we are and how we think, feel, act and change. By understanding these aspects of human behaviour, psychologists are able to promote wellbeing and understand psychological problems affecting people. Psychologists' clients include children, adults, couples, families and organisations.


  • The Bachelor of Psychological Science requires the successful completion of 144 credit points as specified below:1. 78 credit points of core Psychology subjects
  • and2. At least one of either:an additional 24 credit points of Psychology subjects for honours eligibility
  • ormajor from the approved list
  • orminor from the recommended list
  • orstudents enrolled in the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Pathway to Primary Education) (Course instance code Q364) are required to complete the Foundations in Teaching minor
  • and3. Remaining elective credit points from the General Schedule.Student must not complete more than 60 credit points of 100 level subjects.Student enrolled in the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Pathway to Primary Education) (Q364) are required to achieve a WAM of 65 to be eligible for enrolment in the three postgraduate 900 level subjects in the final year of study, and require an overall WAM of 65 to qualify for preferential admission to the Master of Teaching (Primary).Students with an excellent academic record may apply to transfer to the four-year Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) degree, or apply for entry to the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) at the end of Year 3.Students who complete the extended requirements in psychology are eligible to apply for the one year honours program to confer the Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours.


  • Psychological science

Standard entry requirements

Applicants need to have achieved the required score in a qualification equivalent to the completion of 13 years of schooling in Australia.


Completion of four years in Psychology is an important step for registration as a psychologist in Australia. The Bachelor of Psychological Science is accredited as the first three years of study. To complete the four years, students must complete an Honours year to meet the academic requirements for eligibility for provisional registration as a psychologist. An additional two years of supervised practice is necessary to apply for registration as a professional psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia. This can be through two years of supervised practice in the community, or a fifth year at university plus one year of supervised practice in the community or through an accredited Masters or professional doctoral degree.

Study pathways

If applicants can demonstrate they have met the learning outcomes for UOW subjects through prior learning, such as previous tertiary or TAFE qualifications, they may be eligible for credit towards their degree. Where relevant to the UOW degree, specified credit may be given for specific subject(s); where not relevant to the degree, unspecified credit may be awarded.

Study information

CampusFeesMid year intakeAttendance
Wollongong International: $105,408 Yes
  • Full-time : 3 years

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