Avondale University

Undergraduate Certificate in Science

Avondale University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 02731D

When you study the Undergraduate Certificate in Science you can learn aboutThe diversity of lifeChemistryPhysicsEnvironmental issues.Throughout the course, students have the opportunity to gain knowledge and develop technical and research skills through laboratory programs, field work and industry experience.


A selection of 4 units from the following subject areas:Biological Science ChemistryFood and NutritionGeographyMathematicsPhysicsUNITS OFFEREDThe units offered for each area of study are listed below. Biological ScienceBIOL15000 Introductory Biology (semester 1 intake)BIOL15100 The Diversity of Life (semester 2 intake)ChemistryCHEM16300 General Chemistry CHEM16000 Chemistry IA (semester 1 intake only)CHEM16100 Chemistry IB (semester 2 intake only)Food and NutritionDTFN11100 Food, Nutrition and Health (semester 1 intake only)Geography/Physical GeographyGEOH11100 Responding to Global Issues (semester 1 intake only)GEOH12000 Environmental Issues (semester 2 intake only)MathematicsMATH16400 General MathematicsMATH16000 Mathematics IA (semester 1 intake only)PhysicsPHYS16300 General Physics (semester 2 intake)

Standard entry requirements

DIRECT ENTRYATAR of 63.00+ (or equivalent e.g. OP of 15 or less)Recent HSC Mathematics and completion of some HSC science or equivalent is recommended. Pre-requisites apply for some units of study. WORK AND LIFE EXPERIENCEIf your ATAR is below 63.00 (or equivalent), you may still be able to gain entry into this course on a provisional basis. Previous work experience and educational qualifications will also be considered upon application.Alternative admission may be obtained by one or more of the following methods:Previous post-secondary qualifications at appropriate level.Appropriate scores in the uniTEST and the Tertiary Online Written Assessment (TOWA),Special consideration (disadvantaging factors impacting on Year 12 results).ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTSNilINTERNATIONAL STUDENTSOverseas applicants will have their entry qualifications assessed in accordance with the Admission to Higher Education Undergraduate Courses Policy as well as the International Students PolicyENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTSApplicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English as per the Admission to Higher Education Undergraduate Courses Policy found at http://www.avondale.edu.au/about/policies/display/?s=MjQ=

Study information

CampusFeesMid year intakeAttendance
Lake Macquarie International: $13,620 No
  • Full-time : 1 semester

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