The best universities in Australia to study communications in 2021

The communications field offers a myriad of career paths and your classes will include future photojournalists, aspiring advertisers, filmmakers, and more.Some of the majors you can study in this field include advertising,creative writing, digital media, editing and publishing, film, journalism, media studies, professional writing, public relations and radio.
There are over 270 undergraduate communications degrees in Australia that are listed on our course search.Our ratingslook at specific strengths of Australian universities, giving insight to support and guide your decision-making when choosing a university.
This month, we looked at which Australian universities with undergraduate degrees in communications performed best ingraduate salary,skills development and learner engagement.
This rating compares the median salary of graduates from different universities.University of Tasmaniain Hobartranked highest, with amedian graduate salary of $76,700 followed University of Southern Queensland (USQ)with a median graduate salary of $67,300.
This rating looks at the proportion of students who were satisfied with the skill development they experienced through their studies. The University of Melbournein Victoria scored highest with an98.4% satisfaction rate, followed by Bond University, which scored92.9%.
This rating looks at the proportion of students who felt they were engaged with learning at their institution.Bond University placed again, taking the top spot with a satisfaction rate of 88.4%, followed byCharles Sturt University, which scored 84.4%.
View all 2021 rankings for communications— filter by state, or level of study to view both undergraduate and postgraduate ratings.
Further reading