Master of Engineering

UNSW Sydney

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00098G

The Faculty of Engineering offers a two year Masters Degree program. The program comprises streams leading to a Master of Engineering. Flexibility and choice are maintained throughout the two year program by providing many elective courses. It serves as an entry point for students to move into the engineering profession.


To qualify for the Masters Degree, students should successfully complete: 96 UOC of courses from one of the streams offered, and 60 days of industrial experience.


  • Civil engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Environmental engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Telecommunications engineering

Standard entry requirements

Entry into this Master's program requires the completion of a 4-year non-accredited (under the Washington Accord) Bachelor of Engineering degree (or equivalent) in a cognate discipline. Alternatively, eligible applicants include those who hold a 3-year Engineering Science degree in a cognate discipline, at least equivalent to the first three years of an Engineering degree accredited under the Washington accord. A minimum overall average of at least 65%, or equivalent, over the duration of the qualifying Bachelor's degree is also required.


The streams for Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications in the two year Master's program are professionally accredited by Engineers Australia. The streams Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are provisionally accredited by Engineers Australia.

Study pathways

A pathway for entry into the program for graduates from both 4-year Bachelor of Engineering degrees in non-cognate disciplines, and 3-year Bachelor of Science degrees, exists via enrolment first into the Bachelor of Engineering (BE) program, where advanced standing (to a maximum of 2 years) may be granted.

Study information

CampusFeesMid year intakeAttendance
Kensington International: $113,000 No
  • Flexible Delivery : 2 years
Kensington International: $113,000 No
  • Flexible Delivery : 2 years
Kensington International: $113,000 No
  • Flexible Delivery : 2 years
Kensington International: $113,000 No
  • Flexible Delivery : 2 years

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