Bachelor of Communication and Media / Bachelor of International Studies

University of Wollongong

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00102E

The Bachelor of Communication and Media degree offers students a strong foundation in global communication and media industries. This degree has a focus on preparing students for global careers in digital and social media, visual communication design, journalism, screen media production, marketing, communication and advertising. Students will encounter key ideas in the study and practice of media and communications, and gain flexible and transferable skills that will prepare them for informed engagement with the changing world of global media culture.International Studies is the analysis, appreciation and study of the diversity of the global community. It examines the relationships of politics, society, culture, language, and history in a range of countries and globally. International Studies teaches you how to analyse national and global issues. You will learn about the forces shaping the modern world and the theories that underpin our understanding of the most important global issues. You will also gain language skills and we strongly encourage students to undertake study abroad to further expand their skills.The two degrees are complementary with their focus on internationalisation and globalisation from different perspectives. It suits those seeking future careers in media, or related fields, in an international context and will prepare you for the world of digital communications and social media.


The Bachelor of Bachelor of Communication and Media - Bachelor of International Studies requires the successful completion of 216 credit points, consisting of:1. 30 credit points of core subjects for the Bachelor of Communication and Media;2. At least one of the majors listed for the Bachelor of Communication and Media;3. 18 credit points of core subjects for the Bachelor of International Studies, excluding ASSH101;4. At least one of the majors listed for the Bachelor of International Studies;5. A minor in a language other than English or the International Linguistics and Literature minor (or students may elect to take a major in a language) (a minimum of 24 credit points);6. Elective subjects to bring the total number of credit points completed to 216.As per the General Course Rules, no more than one subject may be cross counted towards a minor, major or core degree requirements.Students must not complete more than 90 credit points of 100 level subjects.Students may choose to use elective subjects to complete another minor. Information regarding minors is available on the General Schedule of Minors.


  • Digital and Social Media
  • Visual Communication Design
  • Journalism
  • Global Screen Media and Marketing
  • Communication and Advertising
  • International Relations
  • Global Sustainable Development

Standard entry requirements

Applicants need to have achieved the required score in a qualification equivalent to the completion of 13 years of schooling in Australia.

Study pathways

If applicants can demonstrate they have met the learning outcomes for UOW subjects through prior learning, such as previous tertiary or TAFE qualifications, they may be eligible for credit towards their degree. Where relevant to the UOW degree, specified credit may be given for specific subject(s); where not relevant to the degree, unspecified credit may be awarded.

Study information

CampusFeesMid year intakeAttendance
Wollongong International: $139,968 No
  • Full-time : 4.5 years

Further information

A Dean's Scholar program is also available. If you are a high-achieving and motivated student, the Dean's Scholar program will give you an enriched educational experience. Dean's scholars are supported by a member of academic staff to advise you on matters concerned with your degree, as well as an annual book allowance, and designated study space. You will produce a major self-directed research project as a capstone for your degree in the final year of study.

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