University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Master of Advanced Journalism

University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00099F

The Master of Advanced Journalism equips students with the skills, deep knowledge and adaptive capabilities to build a career in today's rapidly changing and often highly disrupted media landscape. Students gain hands-on experience in reporting, editing and related production and design skills in a wide variety of text, audio and visual mediums. They have the opportunity to use, experience and think about emerging areas of journalistic practice, including drones, virtual reality and computer-assisted reporting, and work with leading practitioners in investigative, sports and entrepreneurial journalism. The overarching aim is to foster agility and innovation in the local, regional and global media landscape. This course is part of an articulated program of study and is suitable for anyone interested in learning how to fully harness the power of journalism, from existing media professionals and journalism graduates needing to upgrade skills or try new things to people interested in realising the full potential of digital disruption.


The course totals 72 credit points of study, made up of 48 credit points of core subjects and 24 credit points of electives. Full-time students are required to undertake 24 credit points a session. Part-time students should undertake 8 or 16 credit points a session.


  • Advanced journalism

Standard entry requirements

  • UTS recognised bachelor degree, or equivalent or higher qualification, or submitted other evidence of qualifications that demonstrates potential to pursue graduate studies. For applicants with a bachelor's degree: the degree must be in the field of education, management and commerce, society and culture or creative arts
  • If the degree is not in these fields, applicants must also have a minimum of 2 years' related professional work experience. Applicants must answer the employment question in the UAC application as employment experience is assessed according to the response provided. For applicants with a master's, graduate diploma or graduate certificate: the degree can be in any field of study. All applicants, except UTS undergraduate journalism graduates, need to submit a personal statement that outlines their interest in the course and demonstrates an understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the media industry & a CV an example of their professional work.

Study pathways

Students who have successfully completed the Graduate Diploma in Advanced Journalism (C06104) are eligible for credit recognition for completed subjects. This course is part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Diploma in Advanced Journalism (C06104) and the Master of Advanced Journalism.

Further information

Career options include reporter, producer, presenter and editor across all types of private and public media, broadcast and publishing organisations including digital start-ups, the not-for-profit sector and non-media publishers.

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