Bachelor of Languages

Flinders University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00114A

The Bachelor of Languages requires 3 years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time). The course is offered by the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. The Bachelor of Languages aims to provide high levels of proficiency in language within a curricular framework that fosters the development of advanced levels of linguistic and cultural competency for languages-oriented university students. This degree exposes students to a wide body of specific and cross-disciplinary knowledge relative to language acquisition and cultural practices, from Applied Linguistics, to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Creative Writing, or English, depending on the program of study chosen.


In first year students complete two core (compulsory) topics that aim to introduce them to the nature and characteristics of language, as well as provide them with strategies for language learning. In addition, first year students may complete two elective topics from those offered in the Bachelor of Arts. Furthermore, students study a number of cognate topics that will provide them with cultural and linguistic knowledge as well as developing cross-disciplinary skills. The list of cognate topics students may choose from includes cultural studies, linguistics, education, and migration topics. At third year level, students have the opportunity to complete a study abroad program which they may credit towards the degree, as well as community experience in an environment where one of the target languages is used.


  • French.
  • Indonesian.
  • Italian.
  • Modern Greek.
  • Spanish

Standard entry requirements

Year 12 or equivalent qualificationsor mature age entry (STAT)or TAFE/VET qualificationsor higher education transfersor completion of a foundation studies program

Study information

CampusFeesMid year intakeAttendance
Bedford Park International: $101,400 Yes
  • Full-time : 3 years

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