University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Graduate Diploma in Midwifery

University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00099F

This course is designed to meet the graduate needs of registered nurses wishing to gain registration to practise in the area of midwifery. It provides a broad theoretical and clinical study in midwifery, and includes a discussion of professional, sociopolitical and ethico-legal issues related to the family, and research skills that enhance midwifery practice and interpersonal processes. Students undertake concurrent employment as a student midwife in an accredited midwifery unit. Midwives are in high demand at present, in both the public and private health systems, and the current shortage is expected to continue for some time. The course requires concurrent employment in an accredited midwifery unit for one year (four days a week) in order for students to meet the requirements to gain midwifery registration with the National Board of Nursing and Midwifery.


Students must complete a total of 48 credit points, comprising eight compulsory subjects.


  • Subjects include: Midwifery Practice 1
  • Midwifery as a Public Health Strategy
  • Translating Research into Midwifery Practice
  • Perinatal Mental Health
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health: Women and Babies
  • Midwifery Practice 2
  • Midwifery in Complex Situations
  • Power, Politics and Midwifery

Standard entry requirements

  • Applicants must have completed a UTS recognised bachelor's degree, or an equivalent or higher qualification, or submitted other evidence of general and professional qualifications that demonstrates potential to pursue graduate studies.Applicants must also have current registration as a nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Applicants must have concurrent employment in a midwifery student position. Applicants are required to apply through either: the centralised recruitment program for NSW public hospitals, MidStART
  • Or, directly to NSW private hospitals to undertake a midwifery student program. The English proficiency requirement for local applicants with international qualifications is: Academic IELTS: 6.5 overall with a writing score of 6.0
  • Or TOEFL: paper based: 550-583 overall with TWE of 4.5, internet based: 79-93 overall with a writing score of 21
  • Or AE5: Pass
  • Or PTE: 58-64
  • Or CAE: 176-184.


The course requires concurrent employment in an accredited midwifery unit for one year (four days a week) in order for students to meet the requirements to gain midwifery registration with the National Board of Nursing and Midwifery.

Further information

Limited commonwealth-supported places are available. Applications are now open for the Autumn session 2017 intake. The subject Midwifery Practice 1 has a pre-session commencement date of 13 February 2017. Attendance is compulsory. This course is not offered to international students.

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